Sunday, February 3, 2008

Boo-ti-full See-Ena

Sorry, it's bad quality, but trust me when I say it's a good picture. I had to scan in my hard copy photo. Back in the days when digital was still the future of photography, or something like that.
I used to dislike the name Sienna. I'm not sure why, just something about it hit me wrong, or had associations with "burnt".
Sienna has recreated her name for me, and now I love it. I even wanted to name one of my children "Serena" which really sounds like Sienna, when you say it right, because I wanted it to be original, but I also wanted it to be pretty much the same.
Sienna has come to mean:
a calm, thoughtful moment that listens when everyone is talking
longboard wheels over concrete
a preference of glasses over contacts because intelligence is visual
a lemon semi freddo cake, and other culinary confections
a sunny afternoon nap with a breeze blowing over
long hair pulled into a perfect upswirl

Sienna has a kind of grace that I hope to emulate, and an old soul that I admire.
Happy Birthday Sienna! It's still your day from here. I hope it was a good one.

1 comment:

sienna said...

Thanks for the post and picture. I love it.