Thursday, April 21, 2011

slides from the storage room

I guess Natalie found these in a box in the storage room at Grandma's house. The storage room with the big icebox we used to tip ourselves into to get popsicles in the summer time. My dad has been scanning them and there are a lot more he says. I think Grandpa took most of these. I love his photographs.


Karen said...

great post, chelsea!

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

His photographs are magnificent. I'm so grateful for you dad for scanning these. Did everyone get the calendar he made? Please thank him for sending one our way. I LOVE it. tell him to make a 2012 one too please.

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

His photographs are magnificent. I'm so grateful for you dad for scanning these. Did everyone get the calendar he made? Please thank him for sending one our way. I LOVE it. tell him to make a 2012 one too please.

Metta said...

These are incredible... I can't believe how classic they are. That hair do! That pram! I never knew that Mimi was as hip as her girls... thanks for sharing.

Jesse said...

These are awesome.

sienna said...

so great! thanks! who's the baby feeding the dog? tricia? is that colleen with the sunset and bell bottoms. gorgeous.


Grimsmans said...

It is I feeding the dog. Since I had no one younger to boss or nurture I adopted any and all animals. I also did not like what I was eating I suppose. Loved the photos...we are so lucky that grandpa loved to photograph us all!
