Saturday, April 17, 2010

1 more month under her belt

Our baby turned 7 months today. I tell her that we love her to pieces, but that's actually an understatement. Enzo is so incredibly nice to her. She has started going after his toys and his initial reaction is to freak out but after a second he hands whatever it is she was putting in her mouth back to her and says "excuse me Maria Aurea can I have that please" and then hands her something more appropriate to play with. He hugs her and kisses her and has recently started tackling her. So far she adores him. Christian actually picks out her outfits and does a good job at making her look cute. He runs to pick her up if he even thinks that she's going to make a sound. My mom gives her about 3 baths a day, changes her diaper every hour on the hour (no joke) and treats her like a porcelain doll (again, no joke). I wake up multiple (as in more than 50) times a night with her, so I guess that says something. I think she feels loved, at least she smiles at us constantly and gives the best wet kisses.


Yesenia said...

She is SO beautiful, I just wanna kiss her and play with her all day. I can't wait to see you guys this summer. Skype soon?

Kaity said...

She's so cute! I love her flower. I want one.

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

she's super cuddly. she'll love playing with you

sienna said...

i can see why she gets so much attention. she's adorable. great pictures. i can't believe how fast 7 months have gone.

Colleen said...

Could she be any cuter?


Karen said...

made my day. and brought back memories. i was sienna's diaper monitor when she came to visit us at that age. maria is a fun person.

Robbie said...

I love her smile! Thanks for posting these!

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

thank you guys for letting me indulge.