Saturday, July 11, 2009


Last Sunday was pretty fabulous, except for the traffic we hit coming home. Other than driving, which is never fun, the day was relaxing and satisfying. We hung out with the family in Sacramento. Pammy taught Ethan how to make pizza dough and we reaped the benefits of that lesson at dinner time.
We watched Zeke be cute. I love this little boy, there's something really special about him. Maybe it's his talent to find small animals where ever he goes.
I love Kaity too! She's so easy to talk to and so easy to be around.

The boys had ice-cream for breakfast. Like I said it was a pretty awesome Sunday.

I'm wishing I was back in Sacramento. Tomorrow I'm doing church solo with Enzo. Chris left today to go to Scout camp for the week. Tomorrow I teach YW. I think we'll go visit Shelly and Steve at the antique fair after church so we can relax a bit.

I'm sad Chris is gone but I have high hopes for the week. On Monday Trisha and family are coming to spend a couple days at our house. Sarah and all 7 kids are coming to spend the week with Shelly and Steve. On Thursday night Eric Hutchinson is doing a concert in Santa Cruz. With so many people around I'm hoping I can find a babysitter.


noelle said...

i love sacramento too. looking at this blog i can even smell what grandma's house smells like, and the smell her roses put in the air, and homemade pizza..mmm...

sienna said...

yum, ice cream for breakfast. wish we could have been there.

Colleen said...
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Colleen said...
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Pamela Palmer said...

i'm so excited that ethan wanted to learn to make bread. another enlightened male.