Friday, September 26, 2008

tony loves fruit

tony was super excited about this fruit that we bought at the market. it was really cheap and they had these bananas de leite (milk bananas) here that tony has been craving for like six years. not to be confused with apple bananas or bananas de ouro (gold bananas). but the bananas here are good. i don't really like bananas on the mainland. but i still like hawaii apple bananas the best. i guess it's just what you are used to.


noelle said...

haha I love tony's face in the first one. I am actually a huge banana fan where-ever, however, I'm sure I would love those. :) I am in Madrid now and we went to a Market and got peaches that were sooooo good. I think Mimi would have been proud.

Pamela Palmer said...

so big meal for lunch and fruit for dinner? sounds healthy. i like all bananas. (something karen and i have in common.) just not too green or too ripe.

Adam said...

reminds me of mike meyers hiding his shame with the fruit. ; )

Karen said...

bananas=perfect food

Karen said...

i already really liked tony even before i knew he is a fellow fruitavore.