Thursday, July 19, 2007


Enzo and Gwyn played ping-pong (Enzo style) for half an hour. He held on to a racket and she held on to the other racket. He would throw the ball and she would get it and he would get mad because she held on to it for longer than 2 seconds and then she would throw and he would laugh. Gwyn was super patient with Enzo. The best part was that they were both playing naked. I wish everyone was around to see it. What is up with our kids and wanting to be naked the whole time? When Enoch, Amy, Jesse and Bekah went on their trip the kids had a Rock and Roll naked party inside the van, not to mention their dancing party on top of the van. Groove on Palmer kids!!!!
ps: The fist picture is actually a little video. Click on it and it will direct you to You Tube to see the kids getting down!

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