Wednesday, September 26, 2007

First Day

We tried to get Miriam all set up for school last night. Here's everything that she needed (minus the room shoes which I can't find and her winter hat which hasn't been given out yet. Oh right, and we mustn't forget her emergency hood that's stored at the school.)

It was a major pain in the neck to find everything, though we did end up finding almost all of it
at the dollar store. Everything, and I mean everything, had to have her name on it. Including the individual cray-pas.
And here is her first bento. Man is it ugly, but I did my best. J used the last of the eggs for breakfast, which kind of messed up the look I was going for. And, the raisins got in the rice which grossed her out, but we thought it tasted pretty good. I have furikake to put in the onigiri, but she doesn't like it. Oh well. We ended up leaving before lunch, but this is good practice for next week when she starts full time.


Pamela Palmer said...

i'm at school still though it's fricken 4:15 but i'm laughing out loud at least. glad to see the dionsaur lunch bag is going to school. love you.

noelle said...

i love the bento and the box of pastels or crayons. i forgot what you said they were. its so pretty. i have a friend that lived in japan this summer, maybe i should go visit you guys and her.

christian said...

Super classic. It makes me wish I was going to Kindergarden in Japan.

Karen said...

Mimi wants to know what is inside the rice. I love komdergarten!

Karen said...

I'm typing from the side. Whoops! Kindergarten, I mean.