Saturday, August 21, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

skeleton baby

i hope Bo doesn't grow too much before halloween cause his costume fits perfectly right now. we got this last summer when i was pregnant. we knew that he wouldn't fit it but it was so cute and only 50 cents at a garage sale. i had to put it on him at least once just in case it doesn't fit in a few months.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

More Mimi at Manor Care

Chris and "Grams"

2 Beauties
The Keepers of the Keys
Thank You Gramma Pammy

Mimi at Manor Care

The 3 Mims
plus one

Mimi is recovering after a non-displaced femur fracture. (Largest bone in the body; hers broke near the knee.) Dr. says it takes 6 - 8 weeks to heal. It was extremely painful at first (for over a week) when she had to move even for routine reasons. Now she is walking on it in therapy sessions (though not without a steady supply of pain meds).These pictures are after a Sunday visit. Two priests from the local ward brought the sacrament. She has thoroughly enjoyed the cards and photos. Suzelle taped them up in her room. Thank you Lily, Pammy and Sienna. Here's proof she is still as cute as she can be.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

more yosemite

i really didn't take very many pictures on our trip. mostly cause i was lazy, but also cause our camera is broken. all these pictures were taken on a camera that adam lent us and a lot of them were taken by tony or other people.

we spend a week in yosemite camping with the family. i was kind of a wuss about the camping part of it, but i really had so so so much fun withe family part of it. it was especially cute to see all the cousins playing and getting along. we are having to make more and more of an effort to get everyone together, now that the kids are all growing up so far apart from each other.

mom: our fearless leader

i really like this wide angle shot that tony took of everyone bathing in the river

bo was not a good sport about going to people, here his face is "get me away from fun uncle jesse"

bo learning to rock climb

ezra and mikey did well at climbing too


Da was way better at documenting everything than I was, but I did manage to take a picture of her taking a picture of me.


our family and lils trying to climb out of the backpack