I've been reading about this family (dad, mom, son, daughter) who took a trip around the world, 28 countries in 52 weeks. Basically my dream come true. The only difference is that they tried doing it as cheap as possible and so pretty much never ate anywhere nice. Traveling the entire world and not eating good food? sounds like my worst nightmare. Anyway... I am telling you all this because before they went on their trip they did a practice trip to Switzerland to see how the family handled each other and their traveling budget for a month. We can't go to Switzerland but we can go camping an hour and a half away from our house. I thought it would be a nice practice run for our Yosemite trip.
Has Bo, Minnie, or Lilikoi been camping before? I could give you my observation of camping with baby but it will be obsolete in 2 months because by July they'll be totally different.
But regardless baby Maria loves the tent. good. I think we should bring huge tarps and blankets for the babies to play around in without eating too much dirt. Kaity, start collecting big blankets and things from the swap shop. We didn't bring enough diapers or baby wipes. oops. Lets bring lots of baby jars of food including some for the siblings, Enzo wanted her apple sauce. Kaity and I get tons from WIC. I'll make sure to get my monthly quota to bring along. Baby maria was coldy as was everyone else. So bring WARM sleeping bags. Christian said that Jesse took all of our nice sleeping bags. I don't remember that happening and I don't even remember having nice sleeping bags but Jesse if you have our nice sleeping bags, GIVE THEM BACK!
I think Yosemite will be a blast. I can't wait to get all the cousins together.
ADAM YOU HAVE TO COME! (please come, your birthday twin wants you there)