5:45/6:00 Chris leaves to go surfing and brings Enzo a bottle.
7:00am Enzo wakes up and starts jumping on top of me
7:05 Enzo stops jumping and goes to his room to get some books
7:05 and 1/2 he's returned with books and starts throwing them on my face.
7:10 after being abused by baby I finally get out of bed.
7:11 change Enzo. Every morning I regeret dearly that I didn't get up when he got up and changed his diaper right away because now his jammies have absorbed the pee from his diaper.
7:12 I pop in the same sesame street video for Enzo to watch. I always feel guilty because he's seen the same video a trillion times and I try to convince myself that today is the day that I'll go to the library and get some new ones.
7:15-7:45 Enzo watches his video I continue to wake up, get dressed, brush teeth....
7:45 we go downstairs for breakfast
8:00ish Chris comes home from surfing, Enzo is super duper excited to see him, decides daddy is way cooler than breakfast and leaves his cereal in his bowl to become mush.
8:10 Chris has taken a quick shower and is now downstairs feeding mush to Enzo.
but today.....
6:00 Chris got Enzo the bottle but did not go surfing
7:00 Chris woke up and baked scones for his class
8:00 Enzo and I woke up (he slept in because he went to bed at 10:00 last night)
8:01.... I won't give you minute by minute detail of the rest of the morning but seriously from 8:00-9:00am Chris was grumpy. I don't mean grumpy I mean totally and utterly upset. He printed out his article that he "had" to read before class, kept complaining that responsibility is over rated, kept interrupting his reading with comments about how Anthropolgy is this and that.... He got very little read, came back upstairs checked the surf report screamed. Screaming when he checks the surf report is pretty common. Was totally ticked that the surf was good and made the absolute worse decision in his life to be responsible and read before class and bake scones since it was his day to take food and left the house in the worse mood I've seen in a long time. I tried to take him very seriously as I could sense that this was an urgent matter but as soon as he left I laughed. It's so obvious why he's so dang concentrated on his work at night when he has to get things done, because he can not miss a surf session at the expense of yet another reading. How on earth is he going to survive 2 weeks in Sao Paulo next month?