Saturday, November 10, 2007

change name?

So when I created this blog I wasn't trying to make it exclusive to Palmers. I wanted to include Palmers and extended family and friends whom we maybe all know and like to receive updates from. I am so happy that Karen, Mimi, Noelle, Mighty, and Steve have joined us. I was thinking of changing the name of the blog so that it's not Palmers. Does it even matter? If you guys think this is silly and we should just keep the name or maybe have no name let me know. Also if you have any new suggestions let me know.

I'll keep the url the same.



Adam said...

you can change the name and the URL.

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

URL's are such a pain to change. It seems like anything and everything is already taken up.

Pamela Palmer said...

if you change the name it will seem less like a family blog and people in the family will be less likely to post i think.

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

I agree Pam. I think we should keep the name especially because everyone who posts is somehow associated with the Palmers. I want to keep the feel of the family blog

Pamela Palmer said...

I've rethought it and I'm thinking your original impulse might be right. It's not really just about Palmers and certainly not about Hawaii. What could the name be? I'll still post (not that I do post very much). I very much love hearing from everyone who posts--(be sure to invite so they can post on their own, Colleen, Andy, Chelsea, etc. etc. etc. How about friend and family of AGH? (that would cover the people who have posted so far. . .)

ali said...

Is there any common link, theme or other identifying mark that unites all of you? How about a quirky name that just says how everyone feels about the blog or something catchy...etc, etc....just a suggestion from a non-Palmer, non-family member who only likes to reply to random posts for no other reason than entertainment, intrigue and I procrastinating cleaning the house in the evening.

Bekah said...

um, can we put some title up? It's hard to navigate between individual posts and the whole blog without a title. I think that the Palmer Family has never been exclusive to Palmers. Aren't Mighty, jake, eph, etc. Palmers?

IZ said...

I agree with bekah,

As a "non-palmer", my perspective is that I have always felt included in the family anyway. So keep the name, if I ever am able to post something, I will feel honored to have been included once again in the affairs of the Palmer family.